INFORMATIONS: ------------- - Target: i386-pc-cygwin32: - Date: February 26, 2002 - Author: By Eric Lassauge - Requirements: you need the following "packages": CygWin/XFree86 (I used xfree-4.2.0) gtk+-1.2.10 (for xscreensaver-demo) glib-1.2.10 (for xscreensaver-demo) libiconv-1.6.1 (for xscreensaver-demo) libxml2 (for xscreensaver-demo, I use libxml2-2.4.13-1) xloadimage (for xscreensaver-getimage to display image files, available on my web site) OR xli (for xscreensaver-getimage to display image files, available on my web site) OR xv (for xscreensaver-getimage to display image files, available on my web site) fortune (for noseguy and phosphor hacks to display random texts, I use fortune-1.8.2) For building from sources add: crypt (I used crypt-1.0.1) bc (I used bc-1.06-1) gle-3 (gle-3.0.7 available on my web site) glut-3 (glut-3.7-1 available on my web site) xscreensaver-4.01-patch (my patch file) ... and a lot of patience !!! For building optional screenhacks: PACKAGE xscreensaver-4.01-EL.tar.bz2 ------------------------------------ - Binary package built for an i686 with: env CFLAGS="-O4 -mcpu=i686" ./configure --prefix=/usr/X11R6 --with-hackdir=/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xscreensaver --with-configdir=/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xscreensaver/config --enable-locking --with-gtk --with-gl --with-gle Provides: xscreensaver.exe "daemon" xscreensaver-getimage-file xscreensaver-getimage-video xscreensaver-getimage.exe xscreensaver-gl-helper.exe xscreensaver-command.exe xscreensaver-demo.exe 142 graphic "hacks" in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xscreensaver + cosmos + sphereEversion doc files installed 'by hand' for now. pixmaps used by xscreensaver-demo installed in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xscreensaver/pixmaps/ 'by hand'. BUGS ---- WEBCOLLAGE: ----------- In a standard Cygwin installation there is no dictionnary, just create /usr/dict/words with a list of keywords. LOCKING: -------- In a standard W9x installation, locking doesn't work: xscreensaver: LOCK ClientMessage received, but locking is disable xscreensaver-command: locking not enabled I tried the test-passwd program and it says: test-passwd.exe: couldn't get password of "w9xusername" test-passwd.exe: couldn't get password of "root" test-passwd.exe: initialization of normal passwords failed. What you can do to enable locking (I did that !) 1/ use my xlock program which creates a ~/.xlockrc file containing your crypted password. 2/ create /etc/passwd, adding the crypted value from ~/.xlockrc in second field with at least 'root' and 'w9xusername' : example /etc/passwd: root:DUB74VaSrJLEY:0:0:root:/:/bin/bash lassauge:DUB74VaSrJLEY:1024:1024:LASSAUGE, Eric:/home/lassauge:/bin/bash 3/ create /etc/groups as well (dunno if it is mandatory) example /etc/group: root::0: w9xusergroup::1024: 4/ restart xscreensaver daemon, and now it works :-> DOCUMENTATION in DEMO MODE -------------------------- - 'Documentation' button in xscreensaver-demo opens a xterm window including a man output but this xterm has bad sizing informations and the beginning of the man output is lost. What you can do is modify /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/XScreenSaver to replace *manualCommand: xterm +sb -fg black -bg gray75 -T '%s manual' \ -e /bin/sh -c 'man "%s" || read foo' with *manualCommand: rxvt +sb -fg black -bg gray75 -T '%s manual' \ -e /bin/sh -c 'man "%s" || read foo' CHANGES on sources: (see the xscreensaver-4.01-patch file on my web site) ------------------- COMPILE/INSTALL: ---------------- - untar the original tarball - apply my patch : corrections for using libxml2 autoconf configure (with above options) - build xscreensaver with : make cd driver make GNOME_ICONDIR=/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xscreensaver/pixmaps X_EXTRA_LIBS="-lSM -lICE -lX11" - build hacks with: cd hacks make X_EXTRA_LIBS="-lSM -lICE -lX11" warning: for greynetic.c /usr/X11R6/include/X11/bitmaps/stipple is erroneous, get this file from a real UNIX box (or from CVS web browser) warning: when using (at least my) gdk_pixbuf you need to add the libraries needed by gdk_pixbuf : glib, tiff, jpeg, png to the extra libs : This is for the hacks using $(XPM_LIBS) in the Makefile. make X_EXTRA_LIBS="-lSM -lICE -lX11 -lglib -lpng -ljpeg -ltiff" cd glx make X_EXTRA_LIBS="-lSM -lICE -lX11" - install with mv INSTALL INSTALL- make install - prepare binary package with make install_prefix=/tmp install mkdir -p /tmp/usr/doc/Cygwin cp xscreensaver-4.01.README /tmp/usr/doc/Cygwin cd utils/images mkdir -p /tmp/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xscreensaver/pixmaps cp screensaver-* /tmp/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xscreensaver/pixmaps