de David A. Bagley |
XlockMore is a X11 screen saver and locker
available in source code and usable on nearly all kind of UNIX.
For this project I contributed in several parts:
- Made a lot of i686 RPM and SRPM for Redhat 7.1:
- Ported to
Cygwin the 5.02 version : see my Cygwin contributions pages.
- Added 4 new glx modes (using MesaGL library by Paul Brian or OpenGL, including the OpenGL implementation from NVidia for Linux - see link below):
- sballs: it's the adaptation of an
OpenGL demo by Mustata "LoneRunner" Bogdan (http://lonerunner.cfxweb.net/). It shows textured
spheres forming polygones spinning "like crazy" in 3D.
This mode is available in the latest ALPHA/BETA of xlockmore (from
version 5.00ALPHA04).
- fire: it's the adaptation of a Mesa 3Dfx demo
(can be found in Mesa-3.2/3Dfx/demos/ out of the MesaDemos-3.2 tarball) showing a textured ground
and a fire-like scene made of colored triangles. I merged it with another demo to
show falling rain if no fire is selected (option -count 0).
It can be found in the latest versions of xlockmore (from version 5.00ALPHA02 for the fire part and 5.01ALPHA03 for the rain part).
- atlantis: it's the adaptation of an OpenGL
programming example showing 2 dolphins
and some sharks swimming on your desk in 3D (from version 4.11).
- text3d: again an adaptation using the
GLTT library to display some text
rotating in 3D. It uses the FreeType library to manage
TrueType fonts (from version 4.12).
GLTT homepage is back !!! See at the above link.
This library is needed for the text3d module of xlockmore (unstable module), if
you want to build it anyway (--use-gltt --use-unstable --use-gl)
options of the configure stuff, you will need a recent version of this
library (and the freetype library too !), for the moment I make the latest
versions I got available here:
I personaly use it on a Linux box with Nvidia's 3D hardware accelerated
X server with GLX extension (NVIDIA GLX 1.0-2313, XFree 4.1.0 - Look at
http://www.nvidia.com/view.asp?PAGE=linux) and it rocks !!!
- showfps: added new showfps option (from version 5.01ALPHA10) for all GL modes. This option enables
the display of the Frame Rate per Seconds.
- vtlock: added Linux/XFree86 virtual console locking (from version 4.12).
xglock: bug hunt and added new functions to the GTK+ mode launcher:
- 'About' box

- gtkrc style sheet;
- Updates for Gtk+ 1.2.6.
- genlaucher: modified this contribution program used to generate all mode launchers
(in particular automatic generation for xglock)
- Corrected various bugs and added some new functions:
- french translations of xlock's messages;
- added a random color to bubble3d mode;
- MesaGL modifications for the lament mode;
- and more...
- screenshots of xlockmore's modes